Saturday, February 28, 2015

How long will it take to find out who ordered this muder?

By now you have heard of the assassination of Boris Nemtsov, a Russian opposition leader. Julia Ioffe knew him, and writes in the New York Times Magazine about his murder.

Nemtsov was working on a particularly incendiary report that he planned to call “Putin and Ukraine,” which would trace the stream of weaponry flowing from Russia to separatists in the Donbass. He was meeting with the families of Russian men who had died fighting with the separatists. He kept up his withering attacks on Facebook and Twitter. He kept traveling to Ukraine and meeting with president Petro Poroshenko, something that couldn’t have gone unnoticed by the Kremlin’s security agencies. And still, Nemtsov never hired a bodyguard. He walked home through Moscow late at night unprotected.
Read more here.

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