Sunday, February 08, 2015

Homocidal intolerance

She of the Fuzzy Slippers wrote this back in September:
I see the beheadings, and I don’t feel fear. I am not cowed. I am not terrorized. Instead, I feel rage. I feel outrage. I feel motivated to stop the animals who commit these barbaric, uncivilized, unconscionable acts. And most of all, I feel closer than ever to my God, a God who eschews the violent “conversion” of followers; my God neither needs nor wants followers who are coerced at the end of a dull blade into sputtering a false belief. My God doesn’t need such indignity and would be horrified at such actions by His followers. For all the anti-Christian crap we’ve heard for years, no Christian has yet held hostage a mall and systematically slaughtered anyone who could not recite the Lord’s Prayer (the equivalent of what these godless Islamic beasts did in India, Kenya, and wherever they spread their homicidal intolerance).
Read the whole thing here.

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