Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Finding yourself

Ann Voskamp writes:
Sometimes covering up what you feel inside can just about kill you.

Because of my career as a child protection worker, I related Ann's words to kids who are trapped in homes where one or more of the older people in the home abuses them.

However, Ann was thinking about people who seek fame:
You get sorta desperate to tell the desperate kids taking their fame-famished selfies, who are starved to be known but are terrified to know what real vulnerability is, who dare to not cover up, as their cover up for not daring to be deeply authentic — desperate to write it across their skies: You will most deeply find yourself when you find yourself serving others and looking up into the face of God.
Read more here.

I thought about the recent Super Bowl halftime show. The crowd roared its approval when Katy Perry became elevated into the sky above the stadium, loudly singing something about being noticed. My kids were bewildered by the spectacle. So was I.

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