Wednesday, February 04, 2015

An end to the common cold?

Do you think this might possibly be newsworthy? Scientists in England have found a way to defeat the common cold! Laura Donnelly, Health Editor of the U.K. Telegraph, reports:
A scientific breakthrough could herald an end to the common cold, after researchers found a way to “jam” the genetic code and stop the virus replicating.

Experts said the discovery could allow scientists to design molecules which could “stop the virus in its tracks” - fending off colds and winter vomiting disease.

Scientists from the Universities of Leeds and York used a computer-based model to identify a code in the viral genome, which causes rhinoviruses, the most common group of viruses, and the cause of most colds.

They said the breakthrough means that in future, it could be possible to find a way to jam the messages conveyed by the molecules, stopping the virus functioning before disease even starts.

...However, that day could be some time off, with trials on animal viruses required before scientists are able to develop a drug which acts on the signals in the genetic code.
Read more here.

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