Monday, January 12, 2015

The right to bear arms

Genevieve Wood writes:
polls also show that 57 percent believe gun ownership does more to “protect people from becoming victims of crimes” and only 38 percent said it “put people’s safety at risk.”

Interestingly, when you compare those numbers to the same poll taken just two years ago, you see that all the movement in public opinion has been toward the belief that gun ownership protects people. In 2012, just 48 percent agreed with that statement, and 37 percent said it put people at risk. The 16 percent who said they didn’t know or refused to answer two years ago has now dropped to 5 percent, and the deciders have gone heavily towards the belief that gun ownership protects people.

Be forewarned, despite what gun control advocates call themselves or what strategy they use, their ultimate goal is an America where citizens don’t have the right to bear arms.
Read more here.

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