Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Stress and music

Ann Voskamp is thinking about stress...and music.
Music is made in stress. A string has to be stressed, it has to be pulled tight, to make music.
Music is made in stress. A string has to be stressed, it has to be pulled tight, to make music.
The string has to be moved from it’s comfortable, resting position if it’s ever going to be make music.

The bending of the string, this induces stress. And as the string bends, as the string arches in stress, and then releases, it vibrates — and there is the practiced offering.

This one clear note, high and long.
When you’re like a guitar — empty and stretched taut and strings stressed tight — you’re the perfect space to be made a song.

In stress, there can be song.

The days we feel stressed, the days we feel empty — these are our Guitar Days. These are the days that could make music.

The resonance of sound is always in the surrender.
Read more here.

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