Saturday, January 17, 2015

Romney the Reagan of 2016?

Will Mitt Romney be seen by voters as the Ronald Reagan of 2016? Jim Guirard writes:
Remember, please, that the late, great Gipper's ideological and political identity began in the "New Deal Left" and moved gradually to the center-left, the center, the center-right, the moderate right, and finally to "Mister Conservative" himself. Once a classical liberal Hollywood union boss, Reagan did not become a Republican until age 53 – moving gradually toward the socio-political and foreign policy right, but never to the far right by today's standards.

And notice now that a decade or more ago, a centrist Mitt Romney began his own trek toward the center-right and moderate conservative positions he holds today – realizing as Reagan did that neither the so-called "liberal" nor the left-illiberal (i.e., the Progressive and Socialist) models work well at all, and are in fact destructive of the Life, Liberty and Happiness and the Separation of Powers assurances of our founding documents.
Read more here.

I find this article to be thought-provoking, which is why I excerpted here. However, I think the author is wrong in assuming that the voters who stayed home in 2012 would now come out in support of Romney. On the contrary, I think the "Tea Party" conservatives have only solidified in their opposition to men like Romney.

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