Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Our wonderful new relationship with Cuba

Obama said Cuba was going to release 53 prisoners as part of his deal with the Castro brothers. We, in turn, were going to release three spies (which we have done). Cuba has not released any of the 53. Mary O'Grady comments about Obama's deal:
Now, little by little, what he says he got in the “negotiations” seems to be evaporating while what he gave away appears reckless.

Cuba still supports the FARC, the Colombian terrorist group, it got caught in 2013 trying to smuggle weapons through the Panama Canal to North Korea, and credible intelligence analysts say Cuba has provided Venezuela the technology it needs to falsify identities for Middle East terrorists.

In the weeks since Mr. Obama’s rapprochement with Cuba, reports from the island say that more than 50 dissidents have been arrested, including the husband of the dissident blogger Yoani Sánchez. Most have been released but some remain in prison.

Don’t expect much outrage from Washington. Mr. Obama wouldn’t want to damage his newly reconciled relationship with the police state.
Read more here.
Update: Cuba has released "some" of the 53 prisoners.

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