Saturday, January 17, 2015

If the Saudis can do it...

Investors Business Daily editorializes about Saudi Arabia's effort to build a 600 mile fence to protect its citizens from the Islamic State.
To keep out Islamic State terrorists, the Saudis are building a 600-mile-long barrier — complete with five layers of fencing, underground movement censors and radar cameras — on their northern border.

According to Jane's Defense Weekly, the barrier will be six miles deep with 79 watch towers. Monitoring will include thermal imagers and battlefield radar systems capable of detecting individuals at a distance of 12 miles and vehicles at up to 24 miles. The barrier will be patrolled by border guards and 240 rapid-response vehicles.

Contrast the Saudi fence and border security efforts with our porous border, which recently allowed tens of thousands of "unaccompanied minors" to stream across and routinely allows drug cartels and their "coyotes" to smuggle anyone across for any purpose into the United States.
Read more here.

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