Saturday, January 10, 2015

Herd mentality

Are you a SWPL, or a prole? Chateau Heartiste defines the terms, sort of:
I count SWPLs as generally middle to upper middle class whites (and some honorary Asians), raised through their formative years in leafy suburbs, and living in hip urban enclaves with other like-minded whites, often on their parents’ dimes. Hipsters, scenesters and yuppies are SWPL subgroups. Their tastes tend to converge even when their politics don’t (although as a rule SWPLs are pretty much standard operating procedure liberals. A conservative SWPL is what’s known as a “benefactor”. Or an engineer.)

SWPL started as a term meaning "Stuff White People Like." Proles are
(the proletariat, i.e. the working class and lower middle class, with perhaps some bleeding into the middle class)

CH goes on to list a very lengthy comparison of the two here.

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