Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Effeminate and quivering

Ace writes:
the institutions of the West -- our political, academic, and media institutions -- are all essentially proclaiming that Islam, particularly violent, medieval Islam, is the only real and True religion in the world:

For what other religions do they bow and scrape to as if they were Slaves?

Only one.

And so while other religions remain in some doubt, for lacking a tangible impact on the world, we can see that violent, barbarous Islam is the one religion that has a real impact on academy, on the media, on American and Western governments; Western governments despise all other religions, and attack them with harassing laws, but violent Islam -- and only violent Islam -- they honor and in fact proclaim, effectively, to be the state religion.

And the liberals wonder why conservatives, and believers of all other creeds in the world, lampoon them as effeminate and quivering.
Read more here.

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