Saturday, December 27, 2014

Why don't liberals care about the rape allegations against Bill Clinton?

Matt Walsh writes about rape, Bill Clinton, and Bill Cosby:
It’s got nothing to do with rape, really. Liberals don’t care that Cosby raped someone (allegedly) because if they did they’d care that Clinton raped someone (allegedly). What they care about is the opportunity to finally avenge their politically correct sensibilities, after Cosby spent several years audaciously telling black people to be accountable for their actions and stop blaming the white man for everything. If he’d never exposed himself as an apostate of the Church of Liberalism, and instead stuck to Clinton’s strategy of exposing himself to White House volunteers, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Liberals have seized on the opportunity not to discuss rape itself, but to prove that Cosby’s thoughts on race are illegitimate because some women accused him of it. I’m not quite sure what one has to do with the other, but this is logic only accessible to those inside the Church of Liberalism.

Liberalism doesn’t care about rape. Rape is a convenient way to prove a point sometimes, that’s all. Rape is an insidious, morally outrageous act of violence, but Liberalism doesn’t necessarily condemn things just because they’re insidious, morally outrageous acts of violence (see: abortion). It condemns those acts when they’re committed by heretics and traitors to their cause, but rarely otherwise.
Read more here.

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