Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Warming of everything cold

Ann Voskamp writes today that
this Christmas that we celebrate, this is the Winter Passion, the white hot burn of His love.

The cross is the sign of God’s lavish, unfathomable affection for us, and we need the cross daily because of these two realities: 1) How else can I remember that He loves me? 2) How else can I remember how to die daily?

And if there is no cross in my Christmas, then my Christmas has lost Christ — and what is the manger if it not for the Messiah, the one who saves us with the scars?

This Babe who lays in a wooden manger, who came to lie on a wooden Cross, He is healing all our wounds…

This white hot love of His cross.

This warming of everything cold….
Read more here.

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