Wednesday, December 03, 2014

It was the environmental whackos

Over 100 brains have been stolen from the University of Texas psychology department. Social media had lots of theories. One theory was that Abby Normal may have taken it.

However, this sign was spotted on N. Lamar near MLK, just southwest of the campus.

I don't think there is any truth to the rumor that Taylor Swift may have stolen them as ingredients for her cat's hair conditioner.

Ralph K.M. Haurwitz of the American-Statesman Staff writes:
Human brains missing from a University of Texas collection were disposed of in “approximately 2002” because their poor condition rendered them unsuitable for research or teaching, the university said Wednesday.

UT said in a statement that its preliminary investigation also found “no evidence” that any of the brain specimens came from Tower shooter Charles Whitman, “though we will continue to investigate those reports.” Whitman’s 1966 rampage eventually took 16 lives, including those of his mother and wife, whom he stabbed to death before climbing the Tower.

The preliminary investigation found that UT environmental health and safety workers, in conjunction with a biological waste contractor, disposed of 40 to 60 jars, some containing multiple brains. A pathologist at the state hospital collected the brains from autopsies of deceased mental patients.
Read more here.
Thanks to Christopher Buckley

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