Monday, December 08, 2014

Having lunch with lions

Gavin McInnes writes:
Telling women they’re not sex objects and forcing them into the workforce has made them infertile. White Americans have stopped having babies and raising families, which is why we’re about to become a minority in our own country.

Girls don’t rule the world. Evil does.

Getting picked on prepares kids for the real world. When I go into a work meeting, it’s not that different from stepping into the ring. People want to test your mettle. I’ve noticed a direct correlation between how much time I spend boxing and how much money I make. We shouldn’t be protecting kids from conflict. We should be training them to enjoy it.

That’s what happens when you try to sanitize everything: more people end up getting hurt. If Mao had left the Chinese to their own devices instead of saving them from themselves, 77 million lives could have been spared. So stop trying to make a world where we can sit down and have lunch with lions. They’re brutal and dangerous animals. That’s what’s so beautiful about them. I don’t want to live in a world without this kind of beauty.
Please read more here.

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