Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Who makes up the Democratic core?

What did this election tell us about who makes up the Democratic core? News Junkie at Maggie's Farm has been studying the issue, and has come up with this answer:
One take-home I get from it all is that the Dem core, on which they rely for votes and/or money, consists of single women, billionaires and multi-millionaires, "old money", crony capitalists, Wall St. millionaires, unionistas, Hollywood and its allies and sycophants, black Americans, government-dependent Americans, and urban white Liberals (including nice gentry Liberals, and academics, students, and college townspeople).

That's not news, but I just find it interesting. I can't really relate to any of those bloc-voting components.

The other take-home I get is that those people have an incomprehensible hatred and contempt for ordinary hard-working and entrepreneurial people like me. Why? I do not hate them, and it is unlikely that they would hate me if they met me. I happily work 14-hour days to build our business and to employ and supervise the new people we need.

Our major challenges to continuing growth are competition (good) and government (bad).

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