Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Sitting is the new smoking

A news item from CBS Sacramento:
For years, health experts have been warning about sitting disease, where sitting for long periods of time glue to your office seat, car seat, or in front of the TV could be hazardous.

Recent research ties hours of sitting to all kinds of chronic diseases, regardless of age, says Dr. Eric Tepper.

“There’s a lot of research on what exactly is the pathology but it does increase mortality, it increase the risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes,” Tepper said.

In 2014, it may be that excessive sitting is the new smoking. Tepper, a doctor of family medicine, says sitting too much leads to the deadliest diseases that Americans face.

“Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of both men and women in the United States, kills more people than all forms of cancer combined,” he said.
Read more here.

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