Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Scott Walker fights on

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is back in the news. A criminal probe was launched against him by Milwaukee County prosecutors in 2010. Prosecutors have conducted the probes under the state’s “John Doe” statutes that grant extraordinary powers to investigators to compel testimony and maintain secrecy. That probe
led to convictions of six Walker aides, associates or appointees on charges ranging from theft from a veteran’s group to misconduct in office. The second Doe probe, launched in 2012, looked into coordination between conservative political organizations and Walker and other candidates during recall elections.

The second probe was halted in May 2014 by a federal judge who agreed that the investigation denied one of the conservative groups’ its free-speech rights. No charges have been filed in the second investigation. Walker has denied wrongdoing.

Jake at Red State writes:
Make no mistake, this has been a partisan, anti-Republican and anti-conservative operation from the very start, and it has included, among other abuses, SWAT-style raids in the early morning hours of the homes of conservative activists in Wisconsin. Still, despite all the efforts of the left-wing Democratic District Attorney John Chisholm of Milwaukee, the man leading the John Doe investigation, Scott Walker has been reelected governor of Wisconsin.

Cornell law professor Bill Jacobson, proprietor of the blog entitled Legal Insurrection summarizes:
Make no mistake, this has been a partisan, anti-Republican and anti-conservative operation from the very start, and it has included, among other abuses, SWAT-style raids in the early morning hours of the homes of conservative activists in Wisconsin. Still, despite all the efforts of the left-wing Democratic District Attorney John Chisholm of Milwaukee, the man leading the John Doe investigation, Scott Walker has been reelected governor of Wisconsin.
Read more here.

Throughout all the fights he has been involved in, Walker has never been cowed. Now he has announced that he
wants recipients of food stamps and unemployment benefits to undergo drug tests.

Walker, who won reelection last week against Democratic challenger Mary Burke, has not offered details for such a plan, but spokeswoman Laurel Patrick told the Pioneer Press that Walker would work with his cabinet to “craft a specific proposal” in the next several weeks.
Read more here.

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