Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Rand Paul: Election results a repudiation of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama

Senator Rand Paul has portrayed the early election results as a repudiation of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama:
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday portrayed the early Senate results as a repudiation of Hillary Clinton, a possible 2016 presidential rival.

"I think we’re going to pick up enough [seats] to take over the Senate, and I think it is a repudiation basically of the president's policies, but also Hillary Clinton," Paul said on Fox News Tuesday night.

"Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have been all over the place. They’re trying to make out as if they’re somehow better for Democrats, but in Kentucky they were soundly rejected."

As President Obama stayed away from the Senate campaign trail, both Hillary and former President Bill Clinton campaigned hard, particularly in Kentucky and Arkansas. But both Democratic Senate candidates are projected to lose in those states. Paul also pointed to Iowa, a key presidential state.

"They campaigned in Kentucky very heavily, and in Arkansas, and in Iowa, so I think the facts are the facts," he said on Fox News Tuesday night. "Did the Clintons help their ticket? So far, I don’t think they have."
Read more here.

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