Friday, November 07, 2014

Messianic complex

Okay now, which is it: Obama is too detached (Politico), or Obama doesn't care to "Schmooze" with his allies in Congress (NY Times)? Ace of Spades says it is neither:
The actual truth is that Obama simply doesn't do his job, because he is lazy, and he refuses to do the non-glamorous, non-"fun" parts of his job such as compromising, horsetrading, or working out the details, because he is a committed die-hard ideologue who also suffers from an intense Messianic complex in which he can only be the conquering hero.

And also, he seems to be lethargic because he is psychologically a depressive, whose mood is only elevated by hero worship -- something he hasn't gotten in a while, because he's a miserable failure.
Read more here.

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