Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Media bias in election coverage

The Pulitzer Prize winning Colorado Springs Gazette published a story today comparing the midterm elections of 2014 to the midterms of 2006.
Regardless of electoral trends, which swing like a pendulum, the mainstream media remain reliably committed to liberal politicians, policies and the Democratic Party. Seldom has media bias been more glaring than in the months leading up to this year's election.

The Media Research Center, a nonprofit that studies bias, researched what news coverage looked like in 2006. It compared TV coverage from Sept. 1-Oct. 20 in 2006 and 2014.

"Our analysts found that, when Democrats were feeling good about their election prospects eight years ago, the CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, and ABC's World News aired a combined 159 campaign stories (91 full reports and another 68 stories that mentioned the campaign)," the Media Research Center explained.

The 159 stories in 2006 compare this year to 25 stories (16 full reports and 9 mentions) by the same networks. It's a six-to-one disparity.
Read more here.

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