Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Choosing to cuddle up to a mortal enemy of America

Michael Ledeen is curious about the fact that so many pundits are wondering why Obama is cuddling up to Khamenei, offering to ease up on our negotiations if Iran will join the fight against the Islamic State. He notes that it has been well documented that Obama has been cuddling now for six years.
Instead of focusing their considerable energies on the letter, the pols and pundits should try to solve the mystery: why has Obama always wanted an alliance with Iran? Moreover, whatever the explanation, the president’s Iranian mission gravely distorts American policy and puts American lives on the line in favor of the objectives of a mortal enemy. That’s infuriatingly more important than yet another letter to Khamenei, even more important than whatever agreement may or may not emerge from the negotiationathon in Vienna.

There should have been Congressional hearings on this very important subject long since, and the so-called investigative journalists have had years to unscrew the administration’s appalling behavior. Valerie Jarrett is deeply involved, along with now-retired Bill Burns and Jake Sullivan. Are they unreachable? Are their colleagues’ lips sealed, even now? Or will our deep thinkers and elected representatives just focus like a laser on the letter, and studiously ignore one of the central compulsions of our commander-in-chief?
Read more here.

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