Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Choosing our bedfellows

What are you married to? Hurry? Not Enough? Always Stress? Easy Cynicism? Ann Voskamp notes that we all get to choose our own bedfellows. Who will we give our souls to? Who or what will get our life? Ann writes:
When it’s over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement, vowed to Awe Himself, covenanted to Christ –and I took the whole of everything He gave in this gloried world into my open arms with thanks.

She notes that cynicism is laziness in every way.
The real heroes are the ones who never stop looking for the possibility of joy.

Grace hijacks the impossible, the unlikely, the angry, the cynics, the doomed.
Your calling is radically this: Gloriously hijack every darkness with grace.

Go here to read and see photos of the way Ann's family celebrated Thanksgiving last year. This year she is in day eleven of counting 1000 gifts of November, 2014.

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