Saturday, November 01, 2014

Are you voting for a Democrat?

Doug Ross believes that
The Democrat Party has a single, fanatical goal: the destruction of America.
To back up this claim, he cites
Ferguson, Missouri, the contrived war on women, our lax southern border, the invention of first global cooling, then global warming, then climate change, and -- most recently -- climate disruption. By ensuring that grants and other funding vehicles go only to those who toe the government line, dissenting voices are mocked, suppressed, censored, and tarred as "deniers". In order to exploit Muslims, Democrat extremists create terms like "Islamophobia", conflating sober and rational fears of Jihadist attacks -- which occur all over the world, leaving bloody trails of headless corpses and horrifically abused women -- with irrational intolerance.

And what are the goals of these tactics? In Ferguson, riots and violence. For women, anxiety. For Latinos, fear of "nativism". For environmentalists, government control of industry.
Read more here.

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