Friday, October 03, 2014

Why did Jesus die?

Caleb Flores writes about four things Jesus did not die for:
1. For Your American Dream
Jesus didn’t die to make you healthy, wealthy, secure, and comfortable. This may be your current state, but don’t let that to lead you to think it’s a promise. God blesses those who belong to him—sometimes with temporal comfort but spiritual chastening, and sometimes with temporal suffering but spiritual flourishing.

2. To Be the Poster Boy for Your Cause
Liberal? Conservative? Environmentalist? Homophobe? Jesus isn’t a conservative Republican. Jesus isn’t a progressive Democrat. Jesus is God.

3. So You Wouldn’t Have to Change
Jesus died so we could change. Will you still sin? Yes, until the day you die. But by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Christian believer will persevere. God will grow your love for him and his people and begin to kill off your love for sin and self. Salvation is both a radical recalibration as well as a slow, steady march, which allows us to be more and more like Christ each day.

Grace not only saves us, it trains us. It teaches us to take Jesus’ side against our sin. This grace brings you to repentance—not like a kid forced to eat his vegetables, but like a slave shedding his chains for the first time.

4. To Merely Raise Your Moral Standard
Our pride and self-righteousness are just as offensive to God as the sins of the prostitute and the pimp. A pastor’s sins are just as offensive as the addict in the front row. They both need redemption found at the foot of the cross. Jesus didn’t die so we could amass a spiritual resumé of good works but so that we could rest in his righteousness as we obey out of love and humility.
Read more here.
Thanks to Webutante for posting this.

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