Thursday, October 30, 2014

Political mythmaking

Victor Davis Hanson writes about how the Obama administration has been evoking euphemisms to construct alternative realities on issue after issue. He elaborates by showing how that has been the case as it lied about The Affordable Care Act, the Islamic State, Ebola, Benghazi, the VA, IRS, NSA, GSA, Secret Service scandals that
must be quarantined from infecting the president’s progressive agenda.

Such disregard for truth and facts is no accident, but the fruit of postmodernism. So-called “after modern” thought was a trendy late-20th-century way to reduce facts to stories.

Progressives believed that because traditional protocols, language, and standards were usually created by stuffy old establishment types, the rules no longer necessarily should apply. Instead, particular narratives and euphemisms that promoted perceived social justice became truthful. Bothersome facts were discarded.
Read the whole thing here.

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