Saturday, October 04, 2014

Do nice guys finish last?

Is this true? Chateau Heartiste writes today:
Women love socially dominant men.
Socially dominant men have less empathy. They’re more self-focused and less concerned with the opinions and feelings of others.
A lack of empathy is a hallmark of assholes.
Being an asshole is attractive to women because they perceive it as the behavior of a socially dominant alpha male.
What do you think?
Read more here.
There is a young man where I work who is a real people person. He is one of my managers. He is unfailingly a nice guy, and always treats the employees he is managing with great respect and kindness.

He's quitting. He's going to work in a furniture warehouse for much better pay. However, his strengths lie in his people skills. He feels unappreciated by his fellow managers, all of whom are women, none of whom are people persons.

I am upset that this is happening. There was another guy who recently quit. He was also a people person, working with the same group of female managers. This is not a good trend.

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