Wednesday, October 08, 2014


Chateau Heartiste shares with us some demographic information one of his readers shared with him.
Racial Breakdown of Major Parties
1976 vs 2012
Based on Presidential Preference

Democrat Republican
1976 2012 1976 2012
85 56 White 94 88
15 24 Black 3 2
2 14 Hispanic 1 6
N/A 4 Asian N/A 2
N/A 2 Other N/A 2

Source: Roper

PS: Demographic breakdown of voters then and now (in percent):

1976 2012
White 89 72
Black 9 13
Hispanic 1 10
Asian N/A 3
Other N/A 2

He then goes on to make some doomsday predictions here.

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