Monday, September 29, 2014

Our distrustful, warring gender divide

Mark Tapson offers this advice to men:
So, “Where’s that advice to men on how to graciously accept a polite rejection?” Here it is, though it won’t go over well with predators or players or drunk losers: A woman turns you down politely? Apologize for intruding and wish her a good evening. A woman you approached turned you down because she has a husband or boyfriend? Leave it at that. Show her you’re a man who respects relationships. A woman turned you down rudely in front of her friends? Embarrassing, sure, but how is it manly behavior to spew insults at her in return? It’s not—it’s petulant and childish. So instead of confirming their low suspicion of you, deliver a gentlemanly signoff—“No worries, then. Have a good evening, ladies”—and then walk away with your dignity intact.

That’s how a man handles rejection—like a man. And maybe it will make the woman and her friends wish they had given you a chance.
Read more here.

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