Monday, September 01, 2014

Obliterate them!

Roger L. Simon does have a strategy for dealing with the Islamic State: obliterate it! And while we are at it, also obliterate
Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda, al Nusra, and on and on. Sunnis and Shiites? Don't take sides. Let them obliterate each other.

And most importantly of all, we should reinstate the economic boycott of Iran even more tightly than it was before while informing the bloody mullahs and the Iranian people that we support regime change now, not pussy-foot around about it as Obama did when the students were marching in the streets of Tehran (the most morally reprehensible behavior by an American president in my lifetime). We can’t allow the mullahs to profit from our dismantling of ISIS. And if they don’t get the message, use lethal force
Read more here.

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