Tuesday, September 16, 2014

No mention of any of the scandals?

Robert Tracinski details ten reasons why the Obama presidency is a failure:
1. He didn’t heal our racial divisions.

2. The stimulus didn’t stimulate.

3. Financial reform didn’t reform.

4. ObamaCare is a boondoggle.

5. Obama failed to reform immigration.

6. He withdrew prematurely from Iraq.

7. He blew the Arab Spring.

8. Obama ignored the threat of a resurgent Russian dictatorship.

9. He didn’t shut down Guantanamo, keep the NSA from spying, or rein in the drones.

10. He has made America irrelevant.
Read more here.

1 comment:

  1. He made America irrelevant.

    That was probably his master plan all along.
