Monday, September 15, 2014

Men dig beauty. Chicks dig power. The rest is hamster nibbles.

Chateau Heartiste links to some scientific studies, then recaps:
In one survey of men, Trapnell and Meston (1996) found that nice guys who were modest, agreeable, and unselfish were disadvantaged in sexual relationships.

Women are very often attracted to bad boys like James Bond. In fact, research shows young women sometimes prefer out-and-out jerks.

For every Ray Rice who knocks a loving wife out, there’s a loving wife who chose to be with a Ray Rice.

In a study of over 1000 participants in three dozen cultures it was consistently found that men are focused on looks and women on status.

Women say one thing but do another.

Male ambiguity, coyness, overconfidence and entitlement are sexy.

Men value female looks far above all other considerations.

Women value male social status above male looks.

Niceguys finish last.

Sexual desire is immutable.
Read more here.

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