Friday, August 29, 2014

"Decline by design," or "Islands Disease?"

Obviously, I am one who thinks it is important to read daily what the smart people in the blogosphere are saying about the events in the news. I also think talk radio is important, although my work schedule only allows me to hear bits and pieces.

This morning I was fortunate to be able to listen for a few minutes to Dan Caplis on KNUS in Denver. Dan thinks that although Obama says he has no strategy yet for dealing with the Islamic State, that Obama does have a strategy for America in the world: "decline by design."

Dan was talking with another radio host, whose name I believe, was Chuck Bonniwell. I hope I have spelled his name correctly. Chuck disagreed with Dan. He believes Obama is just lazy, having spent too much time in tropical climates, he must have "Islands Disease."

Which do you think is correct? Or do you have a different theory?

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