Tuesday, August 19, 2014

American photojournalist beheaded by ISIS

From Mail Online:
American photojournalist James Wright Foley has been beheaded by ISIS forces
Foley has been missing since Thanksgiving 2012 while working in Syria
ISIS posted the extremely graphic video 'A Message to America' to social media
Foley speaks to camera before his death and labels the US his killers
Apparently coerced by his captors into speaking against his country
A masked and robed member of ISIS speaking English in what is thought to be a British accent addresses the camera too
After the execution of Foley, the ISIS member says that missing American journalist Steven Joel Sotloff will be killed next
A man identified as Sotloff in a caption on the video is then paraded in front of the camera
Beheading comes one day after ISIS threat to America that 'we will drown all you in blood' following the US-aided Kurdish recapture of the Mosul Dam.

Read more here.

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