Monday, August 11, 2014

50 bras in a backpack

The customer purchased 50 bras and a backpack. I presumed the backpack was for her daughter's return to school this week. I wasn't so sure about the bras, and, unusual for me, I kept my mouth shut. I managed to get the bras packed in six plastic grocery bags. She thanked me, and moved about fifteen feet forward, so as not to block the other customers shopping in my "20 items or less" line.

She proceeded to take all 50 bras out of all the bags, and twenty minutes later, had them all crammed into the backpack.

One of the customer service workers watched the whole thing. I told her the next day that the customer had come back in and asked me if she could return any of the bras. I told her "Sure, just bring them in the backpack and my friend in customer service will be glad to take them out of the backpack and give you full credit."

My friend in customer service didn't think that was funny.

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