Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Will Obama and Kerry accept a unity government that has Hamas a member?

Shmuley Boteach writes at Breitbart that the Ten Commandments say "Thou shalt not murder," rather than "Thou shalt not kill."
Murder is the taking of innocent lives in cold blood. Killing is protecting the innocent from murderers as an act of self-defense. There, in a nutshell, is the difference between the bloodthirsty criminals of Hamas and Israel.

Boteach is referring to the murder and dismemberment of three Israeli teens by members of Hamas.
How could President Obama and John Kerry accept a unity government that has Hamas as a co-member? Does the US not believe that their reprehensible policy of legitimizing murderers will not lead to their being emboldened and commit further acts of carnage? Would the US ever accept an Arab government anywhere in the Middle East that has Al Qaeda as a partner? Would the memory of 3,000 innocent Americans at 9/11 allow it? Would the memory of thousands of dead American soldiers in Iraq allow it? Would the hallowed remains of thousands more in Afghanistan allow it?

In the murder of these three innocent teens, we see the immediate danger of allowing the West Bank to be controlled by Hamas, which is what would happen should Israel withdraw. Hamas came to power in 2006 in Gaza; they channeled the billions they received as the world's largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid into rockets rather than hospitals, bombs rather than universities. And they intentionally launch their rockets from nurseries and schools rendering the innocent Palestinian population human shields, not surprising for an organization which regularly murders Palestinian homosexuals under the false accusation of collaboration and engages in honor killings of young Palestinian women whose only crime is to have a boyfriend. And they send killers, like these from Hebron, to pray on the naiveté of innocent teens to get them into cars, thinking they’ll go home, only to be brutally murdered in caves.

While the brotherhood of man may continue to elude us in an increasingly violent world, an agreement between clerics of all religions to condemn murder is something upon which we must insist. I call upon my Muslim brothers to join me in condemning – in the harshest possible words – the brutal and vile murder of three innocent boys whose parents will now mourn for the duration of their days.
Please read more here.

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