Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The left's populism versus the right's populism

Jonah Goldberg thinks there is a big difference between the populism of the left and the populism of the right:
The Right’s “libertarian populism” wants to separate big business and big government. That means no more “too big to fail” and no more of government picking winners and losers.

The Left’s anti-big-business populism is very different. It doesn’t want to cut the government’s incestuous relationship with big business; it simply wants to bring business to heel. Big business should do what Washington tells it to do, and when it does, it will get treats. When it doesn’t, it will get the newspaper to the nose. But big business will never be let off its leash, if the Left has its way.

What is Obamacare but an attempt to turn the entire health-care industry into Washington’s well-fed lapdog?
Find out how Elizabeth Warren fits into this conversation.

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