Sunday, July 20, 2014

"Tea Party of the Left"

Well, what do you know? Earlier today in a blog post I asked if anyone has ever seen a story about "the left" in a major U.S. newspaper. Today there is one in the Denver Post by Lynn Bartels, the Post's best political reporter. She writes that the "Tea Party of the left" is waging a ferocious battle against fracking in Colorado. The left has several issues they are trying to place on the November ballot.
The ballot measures — dealing with setbacks, local control and other issues related to drilling and fracking — are bankrolled by U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, a Boulder Democrat who used his vast wealth in 2004 to help turn Colorado blue. Now there are fears his money could turn the state red, with the ballot measures hampering Hickenlooper and Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Udall in their tough re-election bids.
Read more here.

I have another friend, otherwise intelligent, who is absolutely convinced by the arguments of the anti-fracking leftists.

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