Sunday, July 20, 2014

Predicting trouble for Democrats this fall

Ross Kaminsky predicts
it is the criticism by Hispanics and African-Americans of President Obama's response to the tsunami of adult and pint-sized illegal immigrants which suggests the political catastrophe that these events will unleash on Democrats during elections barely three months away.

Democrats will inject race — rarely an effective issue in non-presidential election years — into the 2014 debate because they believe they have no choice. But an intended clarion call for Democrats and independents to support an inclusive party and president will now be muffled: It is difficult to paint the GOP as hating "black and brown" people when both so publicly criticize Obama as abandoning them in favor of illegal immigrants.

Immigration itself is similarly dead as a political cudgel for Democrats. Instead, Republican claims that the president cannot be trusted to enforce the border and is therefore not a credible partner in negotiating immigration reform (in which the GOP would demand a more secure border) suddenly seem like sound reasoning.

With a desperate need to change the subject from the border fiasco and every other mess of Barack Obama's making, look for panicky Democrats — including Colorado's own Sen. Mark Udall — to double down on their dishonest claims about Republican views of America's wives, mothers, sisters and daughters.

After all, when you can't talk about what you have done, all that's left is to lie about the other guys.
Read more here.

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