Tuesday, July 01, 2014

I must be the classic deferential beta male

Do you believe this? Chateau Heartiste writes that men need to be a little less deferential, and a little more inconsiderate, to the civilized Western woman if you want to make a positive impression on her.

You won’t stop this juggernaut of decivilization. It’s too big and moving too fast. Like the fate of empires that have come and gone before, it has to finish its preordained path of destruction. Something good may rise from the flattened earth, but in the meantime, poolside is the only sensible choice.

When life is easy and contraceptives flow like the River Orinoco, women get bored and seek the orgasmic release of aloof, reckless, throwback assholes. Women in modern industrialized nations come to desire the sexiness over the security.

Civilized, coddled chicks dig jerks.

In the land of the deferential beta male, the rule-breaking alpha is king.
Read more here.

Then he links to this You Tube video of a man picking up women in his Lamborghini, without saying a word.

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