Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Hillary Clinton's favorite charity: herself!

Dick Morris writes today about Hillary Clinton's favorite charity - herself!
After an uproar about the exorbitant college speaking fees paid to Hillary Clinton — $225,000 and up for each speech — she suddenly announced that all of these fees “have been donated to the Clinton Foundation.”

So in other words, she’s donated the over-the top $1.8 million in fees to her favorite charity — herself. Is there really much difference between a fee paid directly to Hillary and one to the Bill Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation? That’s like moving money from one hand to the other. It’s not like Hillary’s giving it away and losing control over it. Because, without a doubt, she and her husband control the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Foundation. Is there anyone at all there who would ever say no to them?
Please read much more here.

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