Friday, July 11, 2014

Hickenlooper's friend Bloomberg makes fun of two Colorado cities

Tom Blumer reports some inaccurate comments made by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg about recall elections in two Colorado cities where gun control Democrat politicans were recalled:
In a story which was apparently prematurely posted at Rolling Stone Magazine’s web site (link is to a separately saved Google cache copy), Bloomberg told Simon Vozick-Levinson that in recent recall elections in the Centennial State, “The NRA went after two or three state Senators in a part of Colorado where I don’t think there’s roads. It’s as far rural as you can get.” Really.

Two “rural” cities located in districts which had recall elections include Pueblo (population: 107,772) and Colorado Springs (population 431,834, which if located in New York would make it the Empire State’s second-largest city by a margin of 70% over runner-up Buffalo).
Read more here.

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