Friday, July 25, 2014

"Cannot be trusted"

Dick Morris says that Obama is siding with Hamas. He notes that the first thing that John Kerry did when he arrived in Egypt was to announce a $47 million dollar aid package to Hamas. What percentage of that package do you suppose will be spent on new rocket attacks against Israel?

We are not allowed to land in Israel. It's okay to land in Afghanistan, Kiev, alll kinds of other places, but not in Israel's Ben Gurion airport. Despite the fact that Hamas does not have the capability to shoot down planes flying above 30,00 feet, like the Russian separatists do in Ukraine.

Morris quotes Senator Ted Cruz, who believes that the Obama administration is now, as a practical matter, joining the BDS Movement, boycott, divest, and sanction against Israel. Morris flat out states that Obama "cannot be trusted."
Watch the Morris video here.

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