Wednesday, July 02, 2014

A predictable rhythm of change

Emily Freeman is on the font porch at A Holy Experience today. Here are some excerpts from what she writes about the summer solstice:
If God had made the world straight up and down, we would have no seasons or change; just the sun shining straight at the equator all year around.

Instead, He chose to tilt it on His axis, making a way for strawberries, red leaves, quiet snow, raging hurricanes, spring showers, and sunflowers standing high in salute.

The tilt made a way for long light as well as long darkness.

The tilt made a way for change.

When transition comes, I’m learning to take small cues from the built-in rhythm of the world.

I sometimes long to live in a tilt-less world, one I can maintain and predict. Keep the sun at the equator, please. I don’t like to move with the change.

When change comes, I may lose the rhythm I had before. But I gain something, too.

Like the world, my soul needs a solstice — a predictable rhythm of change.

Instead of fighting the changes and the transitions —

what if we leaned into them instead?
Please read more here.

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