Friday, June 20, 2014

Traitor or dunce?

Sarah Hoyt is an optimist:
There’s reason to think this terroristic insanity of Islam is because they can’t stand before the modern world, and their religion can’t cope with it. Historically, no culture ever kept the future at bay no matter how bellicose it got. Technology will still get through. Things will still change. It can be done for really small places like North Korea, but they dream of a world wide Caliphate, which is like dreaming of flying to the moon unassisted, but less realistic. We’ve whipped ass in the Middle East, and we’ll do it again.

No one believes the press like they did in the seventies. NO ONE except very old people. Yes, there is still a vast contingent of brainwashed sheeple, but most people are aware that there’s a discrepancy between reportage and event. No? Mention “Summer of recovery” in a grocery store line. Unless you’re in Manhattan, where it takes a lot of very educated/smart people to be that dumb, you’ll get bitter guffaws in response.

The masks are off. Obama’s actions are very clearly not those of anyone who loves America, and he is a representative of the “elite” of this country. People are starting to catch on.

The only way to fight these very stupid ideas, from political correctness to multiculturalism, to anti-American fervor is to have them out in the open.

The other sign of hope is that these are not the seventies. Yes, we have better technology, but more importantly, we have fifty years of exposure to leftist madness. Everyone in the seventies pretty much believed Paul Ehrlich. Now we just point and laugh. Which is why the gospel of “climate change” is not sticking at the street level. (Which makes them a little more insane about preaching it, but never mind.)

I remember when they tried to revive seventies fashions and it never really caught except among the terminally young and trendy. It’s the same thing. So many things that they used to stampede us in the seventies are no longer credible: Overpopulation; lethal pollution; end of oil; and that communism is a superior system of government.

And yet, these are ALL the other side has. The reason our president can’t be firmly said to be either a traitor or a dunce, is because he is EXQUISITELY educated in the elite ideas of the bien pensant who have taken over our schools and colleges.

Even if he wanted to change course, to somehow make the system work, he doesn’t have anything. All he has are the ideas he was taught. And the ideas he was taught, when brought out to the full light of day are bizarrely stupid and laughable.

That’s all they have. Ideas that would make a ten year old laugh, if they weren’t presented by teacher as “gospel” but as a theory of how the world works.

All they have.

And now those ideas are out in the open.

And we’re not amused. And there’s a lot more of us than there is of them.

This is part of the problem of the left. You see, they think in stories, not in real world. In their story Fast and Furious would work, because if we sent a bunch of American guns to Mexico, then revealed the death toll, Americans would recoil and demand all guns be banned. Do you see that working? Anywhere but in a not-very-good-novel of the type the establishment pushes?

No, neither do I. But to them it made perfect sense.

This is the quality of mind we’re up against. They’re not stupid. They’re exquisitely taught to work in a world that doesn’t exist.

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