Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Primary elections today

Today is the day for primary elections in Colorado and many other states. A great deal of money is spent to try to influence voters one way or another. Here in Colorado the governors race on the Republican side is the most interesting. Tom Tancredo is running for governor on the Republican ticket against three other guys. Each of them, in my humble opinion, would be better than our current governor, a Democrat named Hickenlooper.

So for whom should I vote? The one who has the least support among the people who run the Republican party in Colorado is Tancredo. Tancredo rides a Harley, is a strong proponent of Second Amendment rights, has long been speaking out against our lax enforcement of our southern border, stood on street corners to collect signatures leading to recall elections against Democrats who rammed through gun control legislation, is just a regular guy who says what he thinks, laughs a lot, doesn't seem to take himself very seriously, pokes fun at himself "My wife says I was the one who wanted this, so I should stop whining"), was told by Karl Rove "not to darken the door of the White House again." He got my vote.

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