Sunday, June 29, 2014

Oh, oh: Ramadan begins this weekend

This weekend marks the beginning of Ramadan for the world's 1.6 billion Muslims. Zeina Karam explains that Ramadan is:
A Muslim holy month of fasting during which Muslims abstain from food, drink and other pleasures from sunrise to sunset. Ramadan is the time Muslims believe God started to reveal the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad. For believers, Ramadan is meant to be a time of reflection and worship, remembering the hardships of others and being charitable.

So, why does Ramadan always seem to be a time of increased violence by Islamic jihadists?
Ramadan is a time of heightened religious fervor, and Sunni militants in Iraq have in the past stepped up their attacks during the month. Some Sunni extremists believe that attacks, especially suicide missions, during Ramadan are more blessed and better rewarded by God.
Please read more here.

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