Sunday, June 29, 2014

I thought Obama was against colonialism!

Vanessa Gera reports that Obama has taken the gay rights issue global. He has appointed five openly gay ambassadors, and a sixth one, to Vietnam, is awaiting confirmation. He flies the rainbow gay rights flag alongside the American flag. The State department has spent over $12 million in over 50 countries promoting gay rights.

In some places, like Pakistan and Uganda, American efforts have made things worse for gay couples. In February Uganda
passed a law making gay sex punishable by a life sentence. In enacting the bill, President Yoweri Museveni said he wanted to deter the West from "promoting" gay rights in Africa, a continent where homosexuals face severe discrimination and even attacks. In response, the U.S. imposed sanctions and Secretary of State John Kerry compared the policies to the anti-Semitic laws in Nazi Germany and apartheid in South Africa.

In Russia, President Vladimir Putin has waged an assault on what he considers the encroachment of decadent Western values and the government last year banned "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations among minors," making it a crime to hold gay rights rallies or to openly discuss homosexuality in content accessible to children. Afraid for their security, some Russian gay advocates try to keep their contacts with Western officials quiet.
Please read more here.

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