Wednesday, June 29, 2022


Dr. Naomi Wolf writes,
Knowing as I now do, that Pfizer and the FDA knew that babies were dying and mothers’ milk discoloring by just looking at their own internal records; knowing as I do that Naomi Weissthey did not alert anyone let alone stop what they were doing, and that to this day Pfizer, the FDA and other demonic “public health” entities are pushing to MRNA-vaccinate more and more pregnant women; now that they are about to force this on women in Africa and other lower income nations who are not seeking the MRNA vaccines, per Pfizer CEO Bourla this past week at the WEF, and knowing that Pfizer is pushing and may even receive a US EUA for babies to five year olds — I must conclude that we are looking into an abyss of evil not seen since 1945.
I am not saying that this is exactly like finding evidence of Dr Mengele’s experiments; but I am saying, with these findings, that now the comparison may not be that excessive. These anti-humans at Pfizer, speaking at the WEF; these anti-humans at the FDA; knowing what they know; are targeting the miraculous female body, with its ability to conceive, gestate, birth and nurture life. They are targeting the female body’s ability to sustain a newborn human being with nothing but itself. They are targeting the amniotic membrane, the ovaries that release the ovum, they are targeting the lymph and blood that help support the building up of mother’s milk, they are targeting the fetus in utero, helpless.
In the Hebrew Bible, anyway, the math is simple. We turn, we listen, and we are saved; or we carry on heedlessly, worshipping what our own hands have made, sluts to other gods — to “the science,” to media lies; to the narcissism of convention, these days, one might say — and thus we are lost. We have been nearly lost, time after time after time. This time could really be the last time; these monsters in the labs, on the transnational panels, are so very skillful; and so powerful; and their dark work is so extensive. If God is there — again — after all the times that we have tried his patience — and who indeed knows? - will we reach out a hand to him in return, will we take hold in the last moment out of this abyss, and simply find a way somehow to walk alongside him? Or will we this time, in losing the babies, and heedlessly carrying on nonetheless — be truly lost ourselves?
Read much more here:

Are you narcissistically preoccupied?

An American Greatness writer (American Greatness unexplainedly refuses to identify their writers) tells us,
America Is Not Immune from Brown Shirts.
Human nature is the same across races, ethnicities, and nationalities. There was nothing uniquely evil about the German human in 1939 or the French human during Napoleon’s reign or the Russian human under Stalin or the Chinese human under Mao or the Mongolian human riding with Ghengis Khan.
What was different in these situations were the culture-supported systems, or lack of them, put in place that allowed all of the worst of human nature to flourish. America, acknowledging the essential depravity of human nature, had once put in place systems designed to check the worst impulses of our nature. But with those American institutions breaking down under relentless leftist, anti-American assaults over more than two generations, we are seeing what was always true: American human nature is like all others.
As a recent example, we saw Trump White House advisor Peter Navarro arrested for not responding to a subpoena from the dubious House January 6 select committee. He was scooped up at the D.C. airport soon after arriving from his D.C. home, and cuffed by a full team of FBI agents. Navarro is 72 years old, 145 pounds soaking wet, and lives within three minutes of FBI headquarters. He has cooperated with federal investigators as far as executive privilege allowed him to do. But with Donald Trump claiming executive privilege, Navarro was ethically bound to not respond.
It is painfully clear with the proliferation of things like drag queen story hours and shocking degradations of parents actually taking their young children to drag clubs with dollar bills; or allowing their very young children to transition; or public schools promoting and hiding such activities from parents. It is becoming systemic and it’s stomach-turning. It is also the most recent evidence of the collapse of a once religious and moral people.
Too many of the American people are no longer religious or moral in any grounded, traditional way. They are too narcissistically preoccupied with TikTok and their phones, unable to think in any critical fashion, and as parents tend to accede all education to public schools that increasingly only teach our children what to think. College students are taught to shout down anyone who disagrees, a shocking transmogrification of the purpose of university. The checks and balances are failing and the power of the state is increasing.
The First Amendment also provided for freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Both of these were trampled and greatly weakened as pastors were arrested and churches closed down by armed law enforcement during COVID while the local Home Depot and Walmart remained open. But both were also ceded away by people who no longer are religious or even understand the rudiments of free speech. If Americans were the religious people they once were, this could never have happened.
Read more here:

Eventually finally came!

Joe Mannix writes,
This country is particularly schizoid when it comes to the topic of babies, and we have pursued two contradictory tracks in parallel. We have spent all the riches of Croesus tackling the problems of infant mortality and miscarriage. A baby with a birth defect, congenital illness, troubled pregnancy or other problems has a better shot of being delivered successfully and surviving here than anywhere else. Our medical system, for all its warts and inefficiency and expense and systemic problems, is very good at saving babies. We've brought history's most advanced technical and scientific base to bear on the problem of infant mortality. Our general attitude is that no expense is too great, no shot is too long and no effort is not worth making when it comes to improving the odds that a baby survives. Infant mortality is not a solved problem and it never will be, but no civilization has ever moved the ball further down that infinite field than we have. We should be proud of that.
And all of this is at direct odds with the hard left's position on abortion. The same culture that has spared no expense to attack prenatal and neonatal complications with such passion has also permitted - and even encouraged - the wholesale slaughter of infants through abortion policy. One element of that culture has fought tooth and nail against any restriction on abortion. It has shouted down even discussion of restrictions for nearly 50 years. After more than two generations - generations that were smaller than they should have been - their faction has finally been dealt a serious and possibly mortal blow.
Read more here:

Kari Lake stands up to Brett Baier

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Give him another shot!

Jeffrey A.Tucker reports on an important action taken by President Trump just before the 2020 elections.
It sounds boring. Actually, it would have fundamentally changed, in the best possible way, the entire functioning of the administrative bureaucracy that rules this country in a way that bypasses both the legislative and judicial process, and has ruined the checks and balances inherent in the US Constitution.
Read the whole thing here:

Ghislaine Maxwell gets 20 years!

The New York Post reports,
Ghislaine Maxwell’s sentencing marked the end of the federal criminal proceedings against her in the Southern District of New York.
Read more here:

Another reason Presidents can be important!

Another day, another Supreme Court ruling. Justice Gorsuch wrote the opinion for the majority. Here are some of his thoughts:
“The Constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression, for religious and nonreligious views alike.
Gorsuch noted that the coach “prayed during a period when school employees were free to speak with a friend, call for a reservation at a restaurant, check email, or attend to other personal matters” and “while his students were otherwise occupied.”
He closed by writing that: “Respect for religious expressions is indispensable to life in a free and diverse Republic—whether those expressions take place in a sanctuary or on a field, and whether they manifest through the spoken word or a bowed head.”
Trump appointees Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett joined with Thomas, Alito, and Roberts.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Politico shames Justice Roberts for his inability to control the other Justices!

Politico, which published the leak about the Supreme Court's decision on Roe v. Wade now publishes an article by Josh Gerstein critical of Justice Roberts for his inability to control the other Justices. Read it here:

Friday, June 24, 2022

Undermining Joe Biden right out in the open!

Who are the Dems calling in to push Biden aside? Susan Rice?

Roe v. Wade

Athena Thorne has a very good report on the Supreme Court's decision to overrule Roe v. Wade here: Ace of Spades provides us with key thoughts from Samuel Alito and also a complete transcript here:

Bracing for violence!

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Federal takeover of elections!

Mollie Heminway reports,
When President Biden ordered all 600 federal agencies to “expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process” on March 7, 2021, Republican politicians, Constitutional scholars, and election integrity specialists began to worry exactly what was up his sleeve.
They had good reason. The 2020 election had suffered from widespread and coordinated efforts by Democrat activists and donors to run “Get Out The Vote” operations from inside state and local government election offices, predominantly in the Democrat-leaning areas of swing states. Independent researchers have shown the effect of this takeover of government election offices was extremely partisan and favored Democrats overwhelmingly.
Biden gave each agency 200 days to file their plans for approval by none other than Susan Rice, his hyperpartisan domestic policy advisor. Yet fully nine months after those plans were due, they are all being hidden from the public, even as evidence is emerging that the election operation is in full swing.
Read more here:

Supreme Court rules on gun rights in New York

Laura Widener reports,
The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday ruled in favor of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association when it decided that New York state violates the Second Amendment by requiring gunowners applying for concealed-carry licenses to prove they have a worthy need to carry guns in public. It’s the first major decision on gun rights in more than a decade.
Read more here:

Not a happy farmer!

Frank Bergman reports,
As of January 2021, Bill Gates is the largest owner of farmland in the U.S. He owns a staggering 242,000 acres across 18 states, according to the Daily Mail. Gates has refused to reveal why he has purchased so much farmland.

Islamist militants kill 132 civilians in Mali

Robert Spencer reports,
BAMAKO, MALI — Mali’s military government says Islamist militants have massacred 132 civilians in the central Mopti region, in one of the deadliest attacks of the decade-long militant insurgency.
Read more here:

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Five planets aligning

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible every morning until the end of June in an alignment not seen since 1864.

Regulating tobacco products

Cassidy Morrison reports,
...The Biden administration picked up where the Trump administration left off in its efforts to regulate tobacco products. The FDA shook up the industry on Tuesday when it announced that it intends to restrict the concentration of nicotine in tobacco products, reducing it to nonaddictive or minimally addictive levels.
...The move was lauded by anti-tobacco activist groups, such as the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. The group said on Tuesday that the agency’s move is “a truly game-changing proposal that would accelerate declines in smoking and save millions of lives from cancer and other tobacco-related diseases.”
Read more here:

Who did the big GOP donors want in the White House?

Emerald Robinson writes,
We know that President Obama warned President Trump not to hire Flynn in 2016. We also know that Flynn himself believes that Obama advised Trump against hiring him because Flynn knew about the Obama administration’s role in spying on Trump’s presidential campaign. Removing Flynn as Trump’s National Security Advisor was a top priority for the Deep State.
In other words, Mike Pence was the first person to set the Russia Hoax into motion.
...During the failed Ukraine impeachment of President Trump, plenty of State Department and NSC swamp creatures crawled out of the shadows to hurl lame accusations about Trump’s phone call with Ukraine President Zelensky. Did you know that one of main accusers was a national security official on Vice President Mike Pence’s staff?
...Olivia Troye was just as motivated to destroy the Trump Administration as Jennifer Williams, but she didn’t have the same level of interest in protecting VP Mike Pence from the fallout. (Pence’s people probably figured this out the day that Troye appeared in a TV ad announcing that she would vote for Biden.) Once again, Gen. Keith Kellogg was sent out to explain that Olivia Troye was another bad apple that happened to be planted in Pence’s office. (In fact, Kellogg announced that he had personally escorted Troye out of the White House when she was fired.) Troye then started a personal grift operation called the Republican Accountability Project — in which she came out of the closet as a full time political operative for the Democrat Party./
...So that’s three members of VP Mike Pence’s office who engaged in anti-Trump activities during normal business hours. That’s a lot of treachery. Let’s not forget the ringleader of so much of this malice too: Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short.
...Why did Pence and his staff spend four years hobbling the Trump Administration? Why can’t people believe that the GOP would try to impeach Trump to clear the way for Pence? Most Republican voters have never met the big GOP donors — and have no idea what they do with their money. The big donors wanted a Mike Pence/Nikki Haley ticket in 2024. They don't really care what GOP voters want, and they never have. These are the people who pushed Jeb in 2016. And Paul Ryan before that. And Dan Quayle before that.
Read more here:

Lying about the vaccines!

Emerald Robinson writes,
What did Chris Pandolfo find? He discovered that nearly the entire corporate media took money from the Biden Administration to push the vaccines to their audiences without disclosing it. More importantly, so-called “conservative” media organizations took money from the Biden Administration to spin positive stories about deadly and ineffective vaccines to their conservative viwers who were right to be suspicious — and did not disclose it.
In response to a FOIA request filed by TheBlaze, HHS revealed that it purchased advertising from major news networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable TV news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, digital media companies like BuzzFeed News and Newsmax, and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations. These outlets were collectively responsible for publishing countless articles and video segments regarding the vaccine that were nearly uniformly positive about the vaccine in terms of both its efficacy and safety.
That is the largest and most comprehensive breach of journalistic ethics that has ever occurred. Almost everybody took the money. Almost everybody lied about the vaccines (knowingly or unknowingly). Almost everybody refused to report anything negative about the vaccines — because they were paid to close their eyes. Almost everybody is implicated.
Let me add another personal detail: I was contacted by top Newsmax executives and told to halt any negative coverage of the vaccines in 2021. I was told that “it was problematic” for Newsmax. I was given some version of this warning multiple times by multiple executives. Obviously, I did not heed their advice.
Of course, almost everyone else employed in the corporate media did keep their mouths shut. I discussed the outright ban on negative vaccine coverage with other Newsmax producers and top anchors at the time, and they were aware that they could not provide negative coverage of the news vaccines without repercussions from the network. I was contacted by PR experts who worked with Newsmax and was told that medical experts and doctors who might say negative things about the new vaccines would not be booked as guests at all.
Read more here:

The Durham investigation: was it a sham?

Emerald Robinson writes,
People ask me all the time how I knew — all the way back in the early months of 2020 — that the Durham investigation was a sham. (What do I mean by a sham —you ask? I mean a counterfeit of real justice — a ploy — a ruse to mislead the public.) It wasn’t because I had sources at the FBI or the DOJ. I correctly predicted the Durham investigation was a joke because the Huber investigation was a joke, and because the Hillary Clinton email investigation was a joke, and because the Huma Abedin laptop investigation was a joke, and because the Jeffrey Epstein investigation was a joke….
Read more here:

Fish kissing dog!

Peeling an apple!

The cost of the Biden Administration keeping its promises

Joe Mannix writes about the campaign promises Joe Biden has kept.
...Campaign promise: Get tough on Russia Big check on this one. Biden is so tough on Russia that Russia did something they didn't do under the last guy: invaded Ukraine. There's now a regional war into which we're pouring billions of dollars in cash and equipment, and have responded with economic sanctions resulting in serious global consequences for various commodities, namely wheat, energy and cooking oils all while Russia's currency continues to hold up. If this isn't keeping a promise, I don't know what is.
Campaign Promise: Open up immigration and sanctuary Mission accomplished. We have "migrant caravans" again. We have vastly increasing numbers of Border Patrol "contacts" with illegal aliens. Catch-and-release is being restored. The prior administration's border and immigration policies have been shelved. The "Muslim Ban" on people from terrorist rogue states is gone. Biden's promise: Kept
Campaign promise: Attack the oil industry ...Incomplete, but well underway. Have you seen the price of gas and diesel recently? You don't get that without visionary energy policy in the name of Mother Earth. Directly through policy and indirectly through alliances with capital market players, the Biden Administration is delivering on his promise to destroy the oil industry. Production is down, pipelines are suspended, refinery capacity is shrinking and despite all of this we're still shipping our oil to our allies in Europe who need it as a result of Biden's "tough on Russia" promise. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it can't be torn down in a day, either. I'm confident that by the end of his administration, even more progress will be made on this 'keystone' promise.
Campaign Promise: Deal with climate change ...Great progress is being made. We're back in the Paris Accords. The economy is sliding downhill - and what's better for the environment than reduced economic activity? Oil - already discussed - is long since on the outs. Hooray for the climate! We continue to concentrate our pollution offshore in places where poor people live, and we're doing our bit for the climate by pursuing penury at home and abroad via treaty! This isn't a full win, but boy are we on our way.
...So how are we looking? Two solid wins and two great leaps of progress on four major campaign issues. Not a bad scorecard. Biden's administration is doing what Biden promised to do on the campaign trail, and they are wildly successful on multiple fronts. They're delivering the goods, and the consequences of these actions are the cost of the Biden Administration keeping its promises. And if the GOP has any gumption in the slightest, they'll readily point out all of the campaign promises that this administration is keeping.
Read more here:

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The June 16 insurrection

JUlie Kelly writes about Colbert's Capitol Crashers and what charges they should be facing in light of charges being levied against the January 6 defendents.
...Civil Disorder: Dozens of January 6 defendants have been charged with civil disorder for allegedly interfering with law enforcement’s efforts to discharge their duties on January 6. Colbert’s crew thwarted Capitol police’s attempts to keep them out of areas considered off-limits in two separate buildings on June 16; they roamed the hallways after hours, hunting down and banging on the doors of other Republicans, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. James Jordan (R-Ohio). That conduct by staffers working for a known supporter of Democrats must be considered a form of political disturbance, not a professional endeavor—a clear-cut case of civil disorder.
Violent entry, disorderly conduct, entering and remaining in a restricted building, and “parading” in the Capitol: Unlike Colbert’s crew, only charged with one count of illegal entry, hundreds of January 6 protesters face all of those charges in a single complaint. At least 210 defendants so far have pleaded guilty to the parading offense; Biden’s prosecutors in most instances have sought prison time of up to six months for what is considered a petty offense. Since Colbert’s insurrectionists engaged in the same behavior—perhaps even worse since they targeted Republican lawmakers while avoiding detection by police—the Justice Department should at the very least add a “parading” charge.
Conspiracy: According to Biden’s Justice Department, numerous Americans, including alleged members of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, conspired to breach the Capitol on January 6. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and others insist Donald Trump led the conspiracy. So, what about Schiff’s role in the June 16 insurrection? Did Schiff conspire with Colbert’s crew to gain entry into the Longworth building after it was closed to harass and intimidate Schiff’s political foes in Congress? What if the lawless band of Democratic Party activists pretending to be comedians confronted a tiny, unprotected Boebert that night? One shudders to think of what could have happened.
But this grave threat to our democracy cannot stand. Colbert’s insurrectionists who undermined the rule of law, obstructed official government business, and threatened the safety of members of Congress must be met with the swiftest and harshest punishment possible. That is, after all, what the American people have been told since January 6, 2021.
Read more here:

Standing down!

Sundance reports,
Some very good reporting here from local journalists with KVUE and the Austin-American Statesman. Local journalists were able to view CCTV video from inside Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, showing heavily armed police were in the building with at least one ballistic shield only 19 minutes after the school shooter entered the building.
In a very disturbing update to the story. KVUE has outlined a new timeline with the details from the CCTV system, showing the police had all the resources they needed to deal with the shooter, yet they stood down for an additional 58 minutes and waited.
Watch video here:

The tragic hero!

Being who he is! I am going to go after the Left like they go after us! He was always an outsider. He actually built things! He developed an ease of being able to talk to people from all different classes, and they liked him! He is unpredictable. That is an advantage in diplomacy! Our enemies curtailed their testing of nuclear devices. The Never Trump right backed away from positions they had long espoused. Trump: Vote for me; I'm one of you! Would we rather not be successful and fail?

"All that is outside the leading of God's Spirit is futile!"

A.W. Weckeman writes,
...The Christian life is a supernatural life that can only be lived by “Abiding in Christ”; maintaining an ongoing, intimate relationship with Him in His Word. Christ’s life is expressed through those who live in this vital union. Hence the apostle Paul’s statement in Galatians 1:16, “To reveal his Son in me…” The branches have no life or fruit of their own; they draw their life and vitality from their connection to the vine. No one, apart from this day by day, moment by moment abiding in Him, can live a fruitful Christian life. Spiritual living can only occur while habitually abiding in Christ; all that is outside the leading of God’s Spirit is futile.
...“The only way [to walk in the Spirit] is by learning to accept, day by day, the actual conditions and tests permitted by God, by a continually repeated laying down of our own will and acceptance of his as it is presented to us in the form of the people with whom we have to live and work, and in the things which happen to us. Every acceptance of his will becomes an altar of sacrifice, and every surrender and abandonment of ourselves to his will is a means of furthering us on the way to the High Places to which he desires to bring every child of his while they are still living on the earth.”
Read more here:

NATO, not the EU, is the cornerstone of European security

Soeren Kern reports on the Russia/Ukraine war,
...As the war has dragged on, European unity has collapsed and efforts to transform the European Union into a European superstate — a United States of Europe — have been exposed for what they are: delusions of grandeur.
The EU's largest member states — France and Germany — have sought to appease Putin at the expense of Ukrainian sovereignty. French President Emmanuel Macron, the strongest backer of European strategic autonomy, insists that Putin should not be "humiliated" and has even called on Ukraine to make territorial concessions to help the Russian dictator save face.
Meanwhile, German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz, for reasons that remain unclear, has stubbornly refused to supply Ukraine with the weapons it needs to defend itself against Russian aggression.
Others think the German chancellor is waiting for the war to end so that German industry can resume doing business with Russia. Whatever his motivation, Scholz's dithering has seriously damaged Germany's credibility, according to policy experts from across the political spectrum. Scholz seems unable or unwilling to consider, after the lessons of Britain's appeasement of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s, that if Putin wins in Ukraine, he might turn his sights next on Europe.
Polish President Andrzej Duda, in an interview with the German newspaper Bild, said that the phone calls with Putin were akin to talking to Adolf Hitler: "I'm amazed at all the talks that are being held with Putin at the moment. By Chancellor Scholz, by President Emmanuel Macron. These talks are useless. What do they do? They only legitimize a person responsible for the crimes committed by the Russian army in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin. He is responsible for it. He made the decision to send the troops there. The commanders are subordinate to him. Did anyone talk to Adolf Hitler like that during WWII? Did someone say Adolf Hitler had to save face? That we should proceed in such a way that it is not humiliating for Adolf Hitler?"
...national interests still matter. One of the EU's founding myths has been that national sovereignty is an outmoded concept and that the national interests of the EU's 27 member states can be subsumed under a new "European interest." The war in Ukraine and the differing responses to it have proven that national interests still matter and will continue to do so.
...German analyst Ulrich Speck, in an essay — "The Ukraine War and the Rebirth of NATO" — published by the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung, concluded that the actions of Macron and Scholz has cemented NATO, not the EU, as the cornerstone of European security:
Read more here:

What won't he say?

Stephen Green compiles a list of lies Joe Biden has told. Read them here:

A bloody protest in front of Justice Amy Coney Barrett's home

Athena Thorne reports,
Pro-abortion Leftists pulled one of their favorite stunts Saturday and sent a phalanx of politicized teens to deliver their message at the home of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Activists bussed the young women to Washington, D.C., from New York City for the macabre march they dubbed the “Children’s Baby doll Procession.” Never mind that many of the girls aren’t old enough to consent to sexual relations in the first place, which suggests there are other problems at play here — that’s not something the “pro-women” organizers seem interested in addressing.
...The procession itself was not likely to win over many right-to-lifers. The sight of underage zombie-girls shambling along with fake blood spilling down their inner thighs and dangling babies from their wrists is more shocking than anything the most zealous pro-lifers would attempt. To the casual observer, these girls could just as easily have been championing bloody full-term abortions. It took some digging to figure out what exactly the hysterical lasses were trying to convey.
Read more here:

Monday, June 20, 2022

"I'm good!"

Michael Walsh writes,
...What better metaphor, then, for the parlous state of our national affairs than the sight of Biden on his keister after toppling off his bike over the weekend. This frail, thoroughly nasty man with some very peculiar tendencies and an immediate family that might best be described as Caligulan in its behavior, not only embarrassed himself but the country he pretends to lead. "I'm good," he said after his tumble, which may be his biggest and most brazen lie of them all.
Read more here:

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Who is trying to knock off Ghislaine Maxwell?

“One of the female inmates in Ms. Maxwell’s housing unit told at least three other inmates that she had been offered money to murder Ms. Maxwell and that she planned to strangle her in her sleep,” Maxwell’s lawyers alleged in a court filing Wednesday. They said that the inmate who made the threat has been moved to a separate housing unit in the Brooklyn prison where Maxwell is incarcerated, “presumably to protect Ms. Maxwell.” Read more here:

Frightened people are easy!

Neil Oliver says,
...Now the stage is set for we, the people, to be in over our heads. Those bankers lent us money to buy our houses – imaginary money, remember. It is incumbent upon us to settle those debts, to pay it back. Now interest rates are going up, and may keep going up, until those debts become unpayable for too many. At that point, the banks will help themselves to our homes, and to our businesses. They call it foreclosure but in the context of the nonsense they got up to, and got off with, in 2008, I call it theft, premeditated theft.
...What we are seeing, hard though it may be to believe or to accept, appears to be the attempt to bring about the deliberate destruction of personal wealth. What is happening around us – one crisis after another, disease, war and death, shortage of energy, cost of fuel, shortage of food, destruction of farmland always the ever-present shadow of climate catastrophe and the end of the world. If you are frightened it is because you are supposed to be frightened. Frightened people are easy.
Video here:

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Who is Julian Assange?

Lisa K. Donner writes,
There is perhaps no more controversial character than Julian Assange. Labeled an international thief by some and a righteous whistle-blower by others, the WikiLeaks founder was tapped as Time magazine “Person of the Year” in 2010. However, his fall from grace has been nothing short of staggering. Now he faces 18 federal counts in connection with publishing classified documents that the US claims violated its laws.
...During Assange’s stay at the embassy, his organization managed to publish thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails as well as those of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). In 2016, a UN panel determined the Wikileaks founder had been deprived of his liberty and recommended his release. But the Brits considered that recommendation as “non-binding” and promised he would be taken into custody should he leave the Embassy of Ecuador. The UK followed through with their threat and Assange has been incarcerated there ever since.
...In the meantime, US officials have been angling to get their hands on Mr. Assange and unless an appeal by his attorney’s succeeds, he will cross the pond to American shores. The eighteen charges awaiting him here in the US including breaching the Espionage Act and conspiracy to hack government computers. If convicted, Assange could face up to 175 years in prison.
...The WikiLeaks founder is accused of aiding former U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in “cracking” the password to Defense Department computers. Yet another count relates to “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion,” and another claims that by releasing classified cables, Assange put a number of American assets in Iraq, Afghanistan, China, Iran, and Syria in harm’s way.
Read more here:

Putin keeps on fighting, as 30,000 Russian troops die

Henry Holloway reports,
Putin continues to prosecute a disastrous war in Ukraine which has raged for more than 100 days and seen more than 30,000 Russian troops die.
...Every single one of Putin's public appearances is now being dissected as the aging leader - who turns 70 in October - appears to look frialer and weaker than ever before.
Putin has been seen in the past with his legs covered with a thick blanket at a parade, and appeared to shake uncontrollably during a meeting with Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko.
Putin complained that Moscow's military action has become a "lifeline" for Western countries "that allows them to blame their own miscalculations on others, in this case, on Russia
Read more here:

The American west is experiencing it's worst drought in 1200 years!

Bill Weir writes about the American west's worst drought in 1200 Years!
But bring up the American West's worst drought in 1,200 years and their reverie turns to head-shaking anxiety and disgust. They may have more water than most -- hundreds of miles from fallowing farms in Arizona or browning lawns in Los Angeles -- but they know that on the Colorado River system, the massive, unchecked demand for water downstream is threat to everything upstream.
Read more here:

Know your enemy and yourself!

American Greatness writes,
...Elon Musk’s Neuralink is intent on drilling holes into our skulls to implant microchips, melding us with AI. If it will help a blind man see, that’s miraculous. If it will manipulate our minds, that’s nightmarish.
What happened to the mystery? What happened to the soul? Gone. Everything must be reduced to knowable matter.
Scientists tell us that the universe is made up of normal matter, dark energy, and dark matter. Normal matter is the atoms that make up all cosmic objects in the universe, yet it accounts for the smallest proportion of the cosmos. They say that 70 percent of the universe is made up of dark energy, yet dark energy has never been observed or measured. The rest has been labeled dark matter, or the missing mass that holds all matter, galaxies, and stars in place through its gravitational force.
COVID-19 created the perfect excuse for the elite to implant this idea of being hacked into our minds. The populace, terrorized by ever increasing waves of menticide in the form of plagues, climate change, famine, and war, is being conditioned to go along with being hacked, sacrificing themselves and their children in the millions for an experimental “vaccine.”
...What would Steve Jobs have thought of Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark’s prediction at last month’s WEF Davos gathering that cell phones will soon be “built directly into our bodies.”
...We must never forget who we are: Human beings “fearfully and wonderfully made” by intelligent design and no amount of hacking can improve on that. Know your enemy and yourself.
Read more here:

Friday, June 17, 2022

The rights of hundreds of Trump-supporting Americans are being systematically destroyed!

Julie Kelly reports,
...the carefully crafted hagiography portraying Garland as independent of the partisan machinations of U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and company came crumbling down this week.
...Although the indictment contained virtually no new information, it created wall-to-wall headlines intended to pique interest in a subject that, for most Americans, long ago ceased to be interesting. Similarly, the arrest of Ryan Kelley, a leading Republican candidate for governor of Michigan, was conveniently timed to occur just hours before last Thursday’s January 6 network extravaganza. It’s clear in the criminal complaint against Kelley that the government knew as early as late January 2021 of Kelley’s nonviolent involvement in the Capitol protest. But prosecutors waited for a politically expedient moment more than 17 months later to announce charges against him.
...It is no surprise, then, that the same folks who considered any Republican criticism of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation a grave offense against Constitutional “norms” now cheer the flagrant cooperation between the executive branch—conducting an unprecedented criminal investigation into the Capitol protest now totaling more than 830 defendants—and the legislative branch, conducting another targeted operation against Trump and his supporters. The fact that the same political party runs both of these branches of government right now is of no concern to the self-proclaimed boundary-keepers in the national news media.
...As the media and federal judges ignore or even cheer the unprecedented collaboration between the Justice Department and Congress to target political foes of the regime, the rights of hundreds of Trump-supporting Americans are systematically destroyed. And Merrick Garland is watching it all—with a smile.
Read more here:

Targeting private citizens for wrongthink!

David Harsanyi writes,
...Clarence Thomas is the most straightforward jurist of the modern age. The notion that he is in bag for any partisan special interest is preposterous beyond words. And that’s the real problem for liberals. The intense loathing of Thomas by the left is propelled by his unadorned adherence to the Constitution and his reluctance to concoct rights or bow to vagaries of the public pressure. Nothing deters the progressive project more than those traits.
The Jan. 6 Committee, stocked with its own mendacious conspiracy theorists and election deniers like Adam Schiff—a committee that denied the duly elected opposition the ability to name members it wanted—is targeting private citizens for wrongthink in an effort to undermine the court on issues completely unrelated to Jan 6. The left’s concerted political efforts to delegitimize and intimidate the court are a more dangerous long-term threat to our institutions than anything Jan. 6 rioters could ever have accomplished.
Read more here:

The cold war we are in with progressives

David Horowitz writes,
Before President Obama – a constitutional law professor – decided to break America’s immigration laws and grant 800,000 illegals resident status, he admitted to his fellow Americans on 22 public occasions that he had no constitutional authority to do so – none. Creating such an amnesty by executive order was illegal and unconstitutional. And he knew it. But he did it anyway because to him and his party, violating the fundamental law of the land was justified because the system that had created the law was oppressive and unjust – racist. In committing this crime against the nation he led, Obama was guided by a radical ideology that justified the illegal means as a victory for “social justice”.
. . . As a former radical I understood how high the stakes had become with Obama’s election. Since the Right was defending America’s freedoms while the Left was paying lip-service to patriotic pieties but intending nothing less than the destruction of constitutional order, I also understood that the rhetorical disparity between the two factions posed a grave threat to America’s future. . .
...What I was not prepared for was the moral depths to which the movement I had been part of had sunk. These depths were revealed in the events that followed the Communist victory. When America left Cambodia and Vietnam, the Communists proceeded to slaughter between two and three million peasants who were “politically incorrect” and did not welcome their Communist “solutions.” It was the largest genocide since Hitler’s extermination of the Jews. In Cambodia they killed everyone who wore glasses on the grounds that as readers they would transmit the oppressive ideas of the past and obstruct the Communist future. But there was no resistance to these atrocities from the “anti-war” Left.
...On my way out of the Left, I spent several years re-thinking what I had believed, and trying to understand the nature of the cause that I had served. Perhaps, my most profound and certainly most disturbing conclusion was that revolutionaries were by nature – and of necessity – criminals, who would routinely lie and break laws to achieve their ends. Every radical who believed in a “revolution” or a “re-imagining” of society from the ground up, every progressive who believed in a “fundamental transformation of America” as Barack Obama described his own agenda on the eve of his 2008 election, was a criminal waiting to strike.
...Before President Obama – a constitutional law professor – decided to break America’s immigration laws and grant 800,000 illegals resident status, he admitted to his fellow Americans on 22 public occasions that he had no constitutional authority to do so – none. Creating such an amnesty by executive order was illegal and unconstitutional. And he knew it. But he did it anyway because to him and his party, violating the fundamental law of the land was justified because the system that had created the law was oppressive and unjust – racist. In committing this crime against the nation he led, Obama was guided by a radical ideology that justified the illegal means as a victory for “social justice.”
...In fighting this cold war, progressives regularly demonize Republicans as racists, white supremacists, insurrectionists, Nazis and traitors. Republicans respond to these reckless attacks by calling Democrats “liberals” and similarly tepid descriptions. For example, they describe Democrats as “soft on crime.” Democrats are not soft on crime. They are pro-crime: Democrat prosecutors have systematically refused to prosecute violent criminals; Democrat mayors and governors have released tens of thousands of violent criminals from America’s prisons, and abolished cash bail so that criminals are back on the streets immediately after their crimes and arrests; Democrat mayors did nothing to prevent the mass violence orchestrated by Black Lives Matter in 220 cities in the summer of 2020, provided bail for arrested felons, de-funded police forces, and instructed law enforcement to stand down in Democrat-run cities, which allowed “protesters” to loot and burn, and criminal mobs to loot and destroy downtown shopping centers.
...Democrats regard the criminal riots that took place in the summer of 2020, as social justice. The riots cost $2 billion in property damage, killed scores of people and eventually thousands as their “De-Fund the Police” campaign triggered a record crime wave in America’s major cities. Democrats regard criminal lawlessness and mayhem as understandable responses to what they perceive as “social injustice” – courts and the law be damned. To them, mass lootings are “reparations,” and individual robberies and thefts a socialist redistribution of wealth.
Read more here:

Thursday, June 16, 2022

No interest in inconvenient facts!

Victor Davis Hanson believes the January 6 Committee
has no interest in inconvenient facts. Why did a Capitol officer lethally shoot a petite unarmed woman entering a Capitol window? And why was the officer’s identity and, indeed all information about his record, withheld from the public?
Why did the committee not investigate whether large numbers of FBI agents and informants were ubiquitous among the crowd? After all, progressive New York Times reporter Matthew Rosenberg who was there January 6, claimed, “There were a ton of FBI informants amongst the people who attacked the Capitol.”
About his own journalistic colleagues advancing a psychodramatic “insurrection” narrative, Rosenberg scoffed, “They were making too big a deal. They were making [Jan. 6] some organized thing that it wasn’t.”
None of the questions will be answered because none will be asked because the committee’s role is not inquiry but confirmation of a useful narrative.
A real committee would also investigate the other, far larger and more lethal riots on iconic federal property months earlier.
The violence was often aimed at iconic government buildings, from courthouses to police precincts. There were never any federal investigations to determine why state, local, and federal officials allowed the destruction to continue. Why were the vast majority of those arrested simply released by authorities?
And how had antifa and BLM radicals orchestrated the violence using social media? What was the role of prominent elected officials in either condoning or encouraging the violence or communicating with the ring leaders?A truly bipartisan House select committee dedicated to ending all violence directed at the White House, the Capitol, or federal courthouses might have been useful in probing this dark period in American history. And that is precisely why there was no such committee.
Read more here:

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

“Every girl is bi. You just have to figure out if it’s polar or sexual.”

Dennis Prager writes,
Here’s a joke: “Every girl is bi. You just have to figure out if it’s polar or sexual.”
This joke was retweeted last week by Dave Weigel, a Washington Post reporter.
He retweeted it because he thought it was funny. He thought it was funny because it is.
Read more here:

U.S. funded biolabs in Ukraine


Paul Joseph Watson reports,
A survey of monkeypox cases by the UK Health Agency has found that 151 out of 152 participants are men who “identify as gay, bisexual or men who have sex with men.”
The survey found that 311 (99% of 314) cases were men, with just 3 confirmed female cases.
Read more here: Watch video here:

How people come into contact with meth and fentanyl

Jennie Taer gives us some examples of recent drug findings by law enforcement around the country. Read the whole thing here:

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Time to reboot the arsenal of democracy!

Andurill writes,
Despite spending more money than ever on defense, our military technology stays the same. There is more AI in a Tesla than in any U.S. military vehicle; better computer vision in your Snapchat app than in any system the Department of Defense owns; and, until 2019, the United States’ nuclear arsenal operated off floppy disks.
China and Russia spent two decades harnessing our most powerful weapon — innovation — and built advanced weapon systems designed to neutralize and surpass our own. The results are sobering: today, in almost every wargame the United States Department of Defense models against China, China wins.¹
Throughout World War II and the decades that followed, the West attracted the world’s most brilliant scientists and engineers, many of whom made foundational contributions to national defense. John von Neumann, Alan Turing, Kelly Johnson, the Jasons, and other gifted patriots recognized that our prosperity is only as strong as our means to defend it. Their technological innovations didn’t just bolster our military — many of their advances percolated into the consumer market. War research and development turned futuristic dreams into household staples: personal computing, GPS, the Internet, commercial air travel, and so much more.
It is time to recapture that spirit of innovation and bring cutting-edge technology to our armed forces again. War in Eastern Europe, the looming threat of a Taiwan invasion, and a rising tide of security threats in other regions of the world demand it. This is not a matter of minor reform. It will require a major re-evaluation of what kinds of technology we build, how we build it, and the speed at which we move.
Read more here:

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Burning food in your car!

Journalists' complicity in a campaign to fool the public! Read more here:

We won't let Iran's hostile behavior get in the way of appeasement.

Instapundit's Ed Driscoll links to a story indicating that Iran now has enough enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon. No worries: "We won’t let Iran’s hostile behavior get in the way of appeasement.”
Matthew Contineti reports, On June 8 the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) passed a resolution calling on Iran to explain traces of uranium that it found at three undisclosed sites of nuclear activity. Hours before the IAEA vote, Iran disconnected security cameras from one of its declared nuclear sites. Then Iran began taking down IAEA cameras throughout its territory. The world's nuclear watchdog is flying blind. "When we lose this," IAEA director Rafael Mariano Grossi told reporters, "then it's anybody's guess" what Iran is doing.
The mullahs have used the months of jaw-jaw to prepare for war-war. Ayatollah Khamenei has placed radicals in top positions, including the presidency. His proxy forces have spread violence in Iraq, Yemen, and throughout the Greater Middle East. He has plotted to assassinate U.S. officials. He has evaded sanctions. And he has built up his stockpile of nuclear fuel.
Read more here:

Friday, June 10, 2022

The New Mexico fires

Alicia Inez Guzman writes about the New Mexico wildfires,
Anger reached yet another height in late May, when the Forest Service released the news
that it was responsible for the Calf Canyon fire. A botched prescribed burn in January had turned into a “sleeper fire” that smoldered for months before leaping to life in April and merging with the Hermits Peak inferno – also ignited by a prescribed burn gone wrong.
In today’s fire zone, the descendants of the dispossessed are among the Forest Service’s sharpest critics. They are joined in their distress by villagers, small-scale farmers, loggers, foragers of traditional food and medicine, Indigenous peoples and acequia parciantes, caretakers of the age-old irrigation ditches now compromised by flames.
Read more here:

Pick your favorite from a new crop of conservatives?

The Editorial Board of the New York Post recommends:
Tune out the Jan. 6 hearings and binge-watch the new season of “Stranger Things.” Unsubscribe from Trump’s daily emails begging for money. Then pick your favorite from a new crop of conservatives. Look to 2022, and 2024, and a new era. Let’s make America sane again.

Marching in front of each Justice's home!

Athena Thorne reports,
Disgusting radical pro-abortion groups are hard at work, firebombing churches and pro-life centers and threatening Americans who dare to work to protect the lives of the most vulnerable. Hours after a deranged man traveled across the country with the intent of assassinating Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a repugnant activist group calling itself Ruth Sent Us was putting targets on the backs of conservative justices’ children.
Previously, the group publicized the home addresses of conservative justices, whom it refers to them as the “SCOTUS 6,” and it continues to promote illegal protests targeting them. The group has been organizing a weekly march in front of each justice’s home:
Read more here:

Whistleblowers reveal FBI is purging conservatives!

The inflation numbers

Thursday, June 09, 2022

A two-tiered system of justice!

We are not all being treated equally!

Victor Davis Hanson asks,
Does any foreign national worry about being tested for COVID-19, much less fear being turned away if he tests positive or for lack of proof of vaccination?
Or do we scrutinize far more carefully U.S. citizens entering legally their own country than we do noncitizens crossing our borders unlawfully?
Are 2 million nonvaccinated foreigners arriving unaudited from impoverished countries less of a threat during the pandemic than fully audited American citizens employed by the federal government? Why would we fire unvaccinated Americans but welcome equally unvaccinated noncitizens?
Americans feel that ordinary citizens like themselves who follow the rules are treated more harshly by their own government than are both non-citizens and our own progressive elites.
Read more here:

There is no rainbow flag in Riyadh!

Stacey Lennox writes,
Now we have Pride Month. It requires that every corporate logo must change to display a modified rainbow flag that keeps adding colors for new “oppressed” groups. Sports teams, entertainment companies, singers, news outlets, and society in general must celebrate the month by engaging with events, content, and symbolism to applaud a movement increasingly made up of an authoritarian fringe. They function as the clerisy of a secular religion that offers no means for redemption.
If the secular religious zealots can’t catch you in person, there are also online mobs. Five Tampa Bay Rays players are finding that out. Mainstream outlets like ESPN and CNN followed the lead of radical left-wing Twitter, calling the players out for not wearing the rainbow (plus other colors that stand for something) team logo during the Rays’ Pride Night celebration. Several cited their Christian beliefs, which earned them more derision. To be on the “right side of history” requires abandoning those archaic beliefs. Even the U.S. embassy in Vatican City flew a gay pride flag. Of course, our diplomats’ courage failed them, and there was no rainbow flag in Riyadh.
Read more here:

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Could there be a decision bigger than guns and abortion?

Don Surber writes,
The Supreme Court case that matters the most this year is West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency.
Read his thoughts here:

The F.B.I. model

JP's thoughts about abortion

The death throes of the regime!

Who will pay for New Mexico's "megafires" caused by the U.S. Forest Service?

President Biden plans to stop in Santa Fe, New Mexico this Saturday.
As reported by the Las Cruces Sun News, the U.S. Forest Service started fires in what were supposed to be two separate controlled burn locations, Calf’s Canyon and Hermit’s Peak. They lost control over the burns, and the fires joined together, forming a “megafire.”
Richard Bledsoe reports,
The blaze has raged across almost 500 square miles, and destroyed an estimated 330 homes.
Investigators stated one of the fires caused by the Forest Service actually dated back to January. A controlled burn that was done at that time somehow persisted, dormant and undetected, then flared up again.
Washington politicians think fighting climate change makes a good catch-all excuse for policies that hurt Americans every day. From causing wildfires to making gasoline unaffordable, it is the Democrats who are the real disaster.
Read more here: by the U.S

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Supermarket prices in Russia

Thanks to Sundance for sharing this video of a Russian supermarket. How does it compare with your supermarket?

Monday, June 06, 2022

When a competent meteorologist told Ike to go for it!

Jeff Dunetz reminds us that on this day in 1944 was the allied invasion of Normandy, the day that saved the world from Nazi tyranny!
On June 6, more than 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. The invasion was supposed to happen on the 5th, but the weather forced Eisenhower to delay:
Capt. James Martin Stagg was the chief meteorologist of the British Royal Air Force and was the one to brief Eisenhower about the rough seas and lashing rain affecting the shore on June 5. Stagg previsioned the small window of better weather for early morning June 6….The Germans did not foresee this brief break in the bad weather. In fact, they forecast unsettled weather until mid-June. In charge with the defense of the invasion of beaches with the Germans, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel was certain there would be no invasion between June 5 and 8 because the tides would not be favorable.
Rommel was very wrong. On June 6, more than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by day’s end, the Allies gained a foothold in Continental Europe. Within ten days, there were half a million troops ashore, and within three weeks, there were two million.
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Mass shootings are not rare!

I keep reading that mass shootings are rare. I don't believe it. I am going to document daily news stories starting today. Imogene Braddick reports,
At least 50 people have been slaughtered in a "satanic" massacre by twisted gunmen dubbed "bandits" at a Nigerian church.
The blood-stained floor at St Francis Catholic Church in Owo, Nigeria Read more here:

American Sovietization

Something is wrong in America. Victor Davis Hanson thinks he knows what it is.
“Sovietization” is perhaps the best diagnosis of the pathology. It refers to the subordination of policy, expression, popular culture, and even thought to ideological mandates. Ultimately such regimentation destroys a state since dogma wars with and defeats meritocracy, creativity, and freedom.
In a similar fashion, the common denominator in Joe Biden’s two years of colossal failures is Soviet-like edicts of equity, climate change, and neo-socialist redistribution that have ensured (for the non-elite, in any event) soaring inflation, unaffordable energy, rampant crime, and catastrophic illegal immigration. Playing the role of Pravda, Biden and his team simply denied things were bad, relabeled failure as success, and attacked his predecessor and critics as various sorts of counterrevolutionaries.
Biden rejected commonsense, bipartisan policies that in the past kept inflation low, energy affordable, crime controlled, and the border manageable. Instead, he superimposed leftist dogma on every decision, whose ideological purity, not real-life consequences for millions, was considered the measure of success.
What about the Stanford doctors who signed a groupthink letter attacking their former colleague, Dr. Scott Atlas, because he questioned the orthodoxies of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the state bureaucracies—who we now know hid their own involvement with channeling funding to deadly gain-of-function research in Wuhan? Did they reject his views on empirical grounds and welcome a give-and-take shared inquiry—or simply wish to silence an ideological outlier and advisor to a despised counterrevolutionary?
Or how about the 50 retired intelligence “experts” who swore that Hunter Biden’s laptop was not genuine but likely Russian disinformation? Did they really rely on hundreds of years of collective expertise to adjudicate the laptop or did they simply wish to be rewarded with something comparable to a “Hero of Woke America” award?
We have our own Emmanuel Goldsteins who, we are told, deserve our three minutes of hate for counterrevolutionary thought and practice. Donald Trump earned the enmity of the CIA, the FBI, the Justice Department, and the IRS. Now Elon Musk and his companies are suddenly the targets of the progressive state, including repartees from the president himself. To vent, the popular Soviet directs its collective enmity at a Dave Chappelle or Bill Maher, progressives who exhibit the occasional counterrevolutionary heresy.
Read more here:

Sunday, June 05, 2022

Elon Musk reacts with grace to Biden's latest snide insult

Leslie Eastman shows how Elon Musk reacted with grace at Joe Biden's lastest snide insult.
Musk tweets “Thank You, Mr. President” in appreciation of significant NASA contracts
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk did not come to enjoy his fiscal success by ignoring trends or dismissing troubling projections. He recently indicated that Tesla will be pausing hiring worldwide and that jobs cuts are coming next, based on a ‘bad feeling’ about the economy.
Read more here:

23 years ago in Tiananmen Square

Did you know Chinese freedom protesters erected this statue called the goddess of democracy in 1989 in Tiananmen Square? I found it on the Ninety Miles from Tyranny blog here:

Regulating gun ownership

Tristan Justice writes about Hunter Biden's illegal drugs usage and lying on an application for a gun.
Lying on a Form 4473 to purchase a firearm is a felony offense that can carry up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Before Biden goes on lecturing Americans about responsible gun ownership and threatening to regulate ownership out of existence, some self-reflection is warranted.
Read more here:

Friday, June 03, 2022

Cancel Bill Maher? Absolutely not!

Jeffrey Lord writes about
the LGBT Network’s commitment to a fascist-style censorship that isn’t about LGBTQ+ but instead is all about bullying others into silence.
Read it here:

Thursday, June 02, 2022

Keeping the population of Canada weak and vulnerable

You can have all the fentanyl you want, but you can't defend yourself! Tucker Carlson writes,
“So how is Justin Trudeau responding to this? Well, days ago he announced that he is legalizing fentanyl, along with cocaine and methamphetamine in Canada’s third largest province, British Columbia. This is a province where over 165,000 people died last month from drug overdoses. By comparison, in 2020, in the entire nation of Canada, 23 people died per month in acts involving a firearm. So why, if you were concerned about public health, would you ban firearms but legalize fentanyl?” he said.
“Fentanyl is what people are dying from, not guns. How does that make sense? Well, it only makes sense if your goal is to keep the population weak and vulnerable, even if it kills them,” he continued.
Read more here:

"In the drive to destroy masculinity, we've had to erase women as well."

Miranda Devine writes,
“Traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful,” the American Psychological Association declared in 2019. These were the masculine attributes it listed as diseased: “stoicism, competitiveness, dominance, aggression, anti-femininity, achievement, eschewal of the appearance of weakness, and adventure, risk and violence.”
The only acceptable man now is a man who wants to be a woman. We celebrate “pregnant men” and “chestfeeding” men.
You see, in the drive to destroy masculinity, we’ve had to erase women as well.
We ignore the crisis that sees men commit suicide at ever increasing rates or succumb to drug abuse and porn addiction while savvy young women graduate from college in disproportionate numbers. Trained from childhood to be entitled and unrealistic about relationships, their fertility and the sacrifices and joys of motherhood, many become bitter and blame men for their confusion. Read more here:

Another shooting!

There has been another shooting. Ryan Saavedra reports,
A black male opened fire at a medical building in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Wednesday, killing several people and wounding several others. The Tulsa Police Department reported that five people were killed, including the shooter, during the attack on the Natalie Building on the St. Francis Hospital Campus.
“Officers immediately rushed to the second floor where the shooting was taking place, when they got there they found a few people had been shot, a couple were dead at that time,” Tulsa Police Captain Richard Meulenberg told ABC News. “We also found at that time who [we] believe and still believe to [be] the shooter.”
Law enforcement officials said that they believed that the shooter used both weapons that he brought with him and that he ultimately took his own life as officers moved in.
Read more here:

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Lessons from Uvalde

Jed Babbin writes,
Biden’s reactions were ignorant, arrogant, and stupid. There are more than twenty million AR-15 style rifles in civilian hands in the U.S. (and probably five times that many “high capacity magazines” for rifles and pistols). If the owners of those rifles were intent on murder, America would be about as safe a place to live as Mogadishu. It isn’t, because the vast majority of those people abide by the law. Criminals, especially those who are dangerously insane, do not.
State “red flag” laws permit police to confiscate firearms from an individual on the basis of a complaint by police, a family member, or a neighbor. Those laws might be the means of interdicting school shootings but only if they provide due process to the person whose weapons are at issue.
If gun laws were effective at stopping crime, Chicago — which has some of the most stringent gun laws in the country — wouldn’t suffer between six and a dozen gun murders every weekend. At least 276 children have been shot in Chicago since the beginning of 2021.
There is nothing more important than acting as soon as humanly possible to enter the school and end the shooter’s ability to kill or wound anyone else.
There is no higher duty we have than to protect our children. The Dems always say that it’s “for the children” when more money is to be spent on teachers’ salaries and social programs. But they — and we — ignore the fact that fences, patrolling officers, and perhaps armed teachers can save children from being murdered.
Read more here:

How far have the Celtics come?

Tomorrow night the NBA finals begin. The Steve Kerr-coached Golden State Warriors will host the Ime Udoka-coached Boston Celtics in game one.
At the beginning of this, his first season, Udoka emphasized three things he wanted from his players: share the ball, accountability, and gritty defense. No more being 28th in the league in assists! His players have clearly bought into his aggressive philosophy.
Steve Kerr has a very hard time keeping on his alleged Covid-prevention mask. He was also never bashful about standing up for his Democratic Party during the Trump years.
Despite Kerr's politics, the Warriors have perhaps the best player in the league in Steph Curry. Curry is a joy to watch. When his teamates Clay Thompson and Dramond Green are in sync, the Warriors are very hard to beat. As their coach, Steve Kerr is as solid as they come.